Make watermark quickly

Edit & add watermark to several images in a breeze.

Make a Watermark For Free
free watermark maker

How Does It Work?

Icon For Cloud-upload
Import Photos
Our watermark maker allows you to drag and drop your photos and even folders into the app. You can also click on "Select images" and pick one of the following options: "From My Computer", "From Google Drive" or "From Dropbox". When the new dialog window opens, choose photos/folders to upload . For all files in a folder to be selected, use one of these combinations – Ctrl+A on Windows or Cmd+A on Mac.
Icon For Protected-file
Add Watermark
Depending on what type of watermark you need, click on "Add Logo" or "Add Text". In our watermark maker, you can upload your logo files directly from your computer. Make use of our fully-featured toolkit to edit your watermark: choose a font and color, adjust the size, enable tile option, select opacity, and pick an effect. You can play around and experiment as much as you want.
Icon For Cloud-download
Export Watermarked Copies
Here, you have the ability to pick the format and quality of your watermarked pictures. By clicking on the "Watermark Images" button, you’ll start the watermarking process. Don’t panic! Your original images will remain unaltered. Once the process is finished, download your watermarked copies to your device or save them to Google Photos or DropBox.

Feature Showcase

Make Watermark is a powerful online tool that will make watermarking process faster and easier for you. You will master this app in seconds!

Create eye-catching watermarks in just a few clicks

During editing, you will have a great view of your image, since it will take up the majority of the screen. However, please, note that you won’t be able to zoom in and out of your photo. In our free watermark maker, the toolkit shows up right next to a watermark, so all the essential tools will be readily accessible, and you won’t have to move the cursor around the screen a lot. This will undoubtedly make the editing process unchallenging and quick. Make Watermark offers a great variety of tools, with the help of which you’ll be able to design individualized watermarks that will become a harmonious part of any photo. You can:

Choose one of 900 assorted fonts
Adjust size and opacity using scroll bars
Enable straight or diagonal repeated watermarks
Add one of 65 varied effects
Harvey Derwent avatar image
“This app is a great mix of simplicity and efficiency.”
watermark maker free

Watermark a batch of photos

Do you need to add a watermark to more than one photo? Perfect! Our app can process several dozen images in one go! If your batch consists of small and large photos, the app will modify the size of your watermark. If you upload a few landscape- and portrait-oriented photos, the position of your watermark will be adjusted. Both of these actions are done automatically by default. However, Make Watermark has the Preview Section, where you can reposition and resize your watermark on each image manually.

Harvey Derwent avatar image
“Make Watermark will process as many images as you want.”
how to make a watermark

Your privacy is our top priority

Free software products from unverified sources may contain malware, which is why it’s dangerous to download them. Not to mention, that installation of any offline app will, at best, steal a few minutes from you. Online services are better and safer to use since neither your computer will be put at risk nor your time will be wasted. Make Watermark is a risk-free and trustworthy online application that is built to protect your visual content from being stolen.

Your photos never even reach our servers, let alone get stored there, because they are processed in your browser. Not a single person from our team has access to them. In addition to that, our watermark maker establishes only secure connections. You may rest assured that your files and devices will be perfectly safe with us. There are neither unwanted pop-ups nor intrusive ads. We want you to have a great experience!

Ashley Mance avatar image
“A lot of free online services are sketchy. Make Watermark is not one of them.”

All The Features

Make Watermark may be simple to use, but its toolkit offers all of the complex necessities
Icon For Text
Textual Watermarks
Design watermarks that contain one or several lines of text. Experiment with different combinations of fonts and colors, and choose the right level of opacity. Use one of 65 amazing effects to add a special touch to your textual watermark.
Icon For Font
Multiple Fonts
Make Watermark’s extensive collection of assorted fonts will help you design the ideal textual watermark. There are common, classic, funny, unusual, handwritten, bold, thin fonts, and many more!
Icon For Smile
Your Logo
Our watermark maker allows you to add logos, too. You can upload your logo from your device, Google Drive, Google Photos, or Dropbox. If you don’t have a logo, the gallery of varied icons will come to your rescue. Our toolkit is the same for logos and textual watermarks, so you can make as many changes to your logo as you need.
Icon For Visible
Unobtrusive Watermarks
To make your watermark look more cohesive and harmonious with your visual content, you can lower the level of opacity and/or add the glass-like effect. This way, your watermark – text or logo – will be visible enough to deter people from stealing your photo. But at the same time, it won’t steal all the attention.
Icon For Layout-4-blocks
Repeated Watermarks For Better Security
With the help of the tile feature, you can make a watermark fill up the entire image. The "Straight" option will produce repeated watermarks that are parallel to each other. Meanwhile, the "Diagonal" option will give you repeated watermarks that are positioned checker-wise. The space between watermarks can be adjusted with the "Span" slider.
Icon For Scale
Resize Watermarked Copies
Unfortunately, watermarks can never guarantee 100% safety, which is why publishing high-resolution photos online might be unwise. By resizing your watermarked copies, you won’t give thieves the chance to get their hands on high-quality originals in case they manage to remove your watermark. In the Export settings of our watermark maker, it is possible to pick a different format and quality for your watermarked copies. For example, you can choose “Convert to JPEG and compress”. This option will produce images that are of small size and look good. They will be safe to post on the Internet.

How To Make a Watermark For Photos in 4 steps

Watermarking is incredibly easy. Even if it’s your first time using an image editing app, you will still be able to use Make Watermark with no trouble. Your photos will have a beautiful-looking logo, text, or both in just a couple of minutes.

Step 1 – Import Images

Upload your photos from your computer, Google Drive, Google Photos, or Dropbox.

how to make a watermark for photos

From Your Computer

Open the selected folder on your computer, then drag and drop your images directly into our watermark maker. It is also possible to click on "Select Images" and pick "From My Computer". Next, choose photos that you need to watermark. Press Ctrl+A on Windows or Cmd+A on Mac to select all pictures in your folder.

From Google Drive

After you pick "From Google Drive" in the "Select Images" menu, you will need to grant access to your cloud storage. Simply click "yes" in the popped-up dialog. Once the Google Drive Picker appears, choose the photos. If you hold Shift, while clicking on images, you will select several of them. The importing process for Google Photos is exactly the same.

Select photos for watermarking from Google Photos

From Dropbox

If you choose the "From Dropbox" option for importing, you will have to give the approval to Make Watermark. To grant access to your cloud storage, pick “Yes” in the popped-up dialog. Now, choose images for watermarking in the Drobox Picker. Click on images, while holding Shift to select several of them.

Clear images

By clicking on the "Clear" button you will remove all imported images from the app.

Step 2 – Design your watermark

In Make Watermark, it is possible to add a textual watermark (Add Text) or a logo (Add Logo). You can check out our gallery and pick one of our built-in icons or, alternatively, upload a PNG logo file from your computer, DropBox, Google Drive, or Google Photos.

A textual watermark will say "Your Watermark" when it first appears. Click inside the "Text" input box, erase the word, then type in your name, the name of your brand, or whatever else you want. Your watermark can be repositioned using your cursor. Our watermark maker offers a comprehensive set of editing tools. It includes a vast library of fonts and a variety of colors – solid and gradient ones. There are several sliders to resize and rotate your watermark as well as adjust its opacity.

make a watermark

You might find the list of previously used templates extremely useful since it contains 10 watermarks that you applied to your photos at least once. To make this list visible, click on "Remove watermarks" to get rid of all active watermarks on your image.

Previously used templates

Step 3 – Set Up Export Settings

You can go to the Export Settings by clicking on the “Watermark Images” button. You’ll find two options here:

  1. File Format. You can keep the original format; convert to JPEG of standard or maximum quality; convert to JPEG and compress to get a standard quality with a small file size; convert to PNG, which is lossless, or to WEBP which has a standard quality. Short descriptions of each option will provide you with enough information to make the right choice.
  2. Resize Images. This drop-down menu also contains a few items: No, Exact width, Exact height, Exact width and height, Maximum width and height, and Percentage. If you want to resize images by width, height, or both, you will need to enter the required number of pixels. You will get a preview of what size your watermarked copies will be.

In addition, you can enable the option of your watermark being the same size in pixels on all images.

how to make a watermark

The Preview Section

Here, it is possible to view how your watermark looks on each photo. You can also reposition it as well as modify its size and level of opacity using sliders. The alterations won’t affect other photos, so you can edit your watermark on each image.

The Preview Section can be opened by clicking on the “Preview Watermark” button and closed by clicking on the cross in the top right corner.

make a watermark

Step 4 - Add Your Watermark.

Now, click on the "Watermark Images", and the watermarking process will begin. Once it’s finished, you’ll have three options to choose from:

  • "Download All" to download a zip-archive with all watermarked copies.
  • "Google Photos" to export your watermarked copies to Google Photos.
  • "Dropbox" to save your watermarked copies to Dropbox.
Download photos with a watermark on them

You will also see the list of all the watermarked images. To download each photo separately, you need to click on its name on the list.